Type in applicable information in the title, author, subject, and keywords fields - preferably terms you can search for in the future.In the PDF popup menu, select Save as PDF.

The process is baked into the operating system. On a Mac, it’s easy to create PDFs from any type of software program by using the same steps you would take to print a document. Here’s a guide to converting multiple formats to PDFs and vice versa. Free PDF readers are available for every operating system and platform. People receiving your document may not have the latest version of the software that created the original file, so it’s possible they won’t be able to access the document. In this case, you can easily password-protect a PDF. You may want people to read your document only, not change the content. PDFs can be read on any device and operating system, including mobile phones and tablets. You may be using special fonts and formatting that won’t accurately display if a recipient doesn’t have the same version of the program used to create the file or the same operating system as you. Here are five reasons you should distribute PDF documents rather than an original file: